Engineering & Inspection
Design & Preoccupation Fire Risk Assessments for Registered Providers & Developers of Purpose-Built Blocks of Flats
Fire-Stopping Inspections
Fire-Strategy Engineering & Inspection
It is so important to have confidence in a property you are going to call your home. As construction professionals we will carry out a careful in depth inspection of the property, in line with the pre-completion checklist set out by the New Homes Quality Board.
Due to the very nature of the construction process; most elements and finishes are hand applied. To add to this, major house developers build at a fairly rapid pace to ensure their profits stay high and the share holders are kept happy. This can and does in some areas create a less than acceptable product when measured against the applicable building regulations, standards and specifications for the quality of your new home.
An inspection by House-Wright will serve to bolster the confidence you have in your recent purchase, while giving you the professional backing to work with the developer to complete any building standards and quality issues highlighted, that need to be resolved.
An inspection is non-disruptive and non-evasive. It will assess the fixtures, fittings and services of the property by way of checks comparable with normal daily use.
It will also assess the quality of the surfaces around the property to make sure these comply with the consistent approach to finishes that major house developers must adhere to.
The Pre-Completion Checklist Will Include The following:
Contact details of the suitable qualified inspector conducting the inspection.
A description of the property being inspected, including a means for the identification of the location of individual rooms referred to.
A description of the service.
Recording of any limitations to the inspection (e.g., weather conditions) on the day of the inspection.
Photographs and explanatory notes of all items identified.
An indication of the nature of any remedial works required.
The final report will be produced in an electronic format, for you to print off for you records and to email to the developer for actioning.